Based in British Columbia, the Association of Professional Biology works to advance the application, practice and understanding of applied biology and the work of professional biologists across Canada. Our practising members are in good standing with organizations, such as the College of Applied Biologists in BC and the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists that are governed by provincial legislation (e.g., the Professional Governance Act).

The Association of Professional Biology (APB) represents professional biologists in British Columbia. Our members are in good standing with accredited regulatory natural resource organizations such as the College of Applied Biologists (CAB) in British Columbia and the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists (ASPB) in Alberta. Members are governed by provincial legislation (e.g., the College of Applied Biology Act and its Rules).

Read more under Our Role and History


Support the APB

The APB advocates for the highest standards in the professional practice of applied biology in British Columbia. By supporting the APB, you strengthen its ability to be a voice for professional biologists and anyone in BC  who values the province's incredible biological heritage.

Annual membership costs only $85.00 annually (or less for students, fellow and retired members) and gives you free advertising (for Accredited Members), discounts, and key professional resources to guide and advance your work and practice. Support the APB by becoming a member today and join a growing community with access to benefits, such as:

  • Advocacy
  • Advertising
  • Discount registrations (where payable) for APB conferences, forums and meetings
  • Professional development and practice resources
  • APB publications and archives
  • Access to third-party-managed products and services (see APB Member Discounts)
  • Industry Communications


APB Awards & Recognition

**Call for Nominations**

Each year, the APB provides a number of award opportunities to members of the Association. You can nominate someone by filling out the Awards Nomination form specific to each award and submitting your nomination package to the APB office. Please send your nomination package to [email protected]

  • Presidents Award
  • Lifetime Membership
  • Biology Professional | Application Deadline December 31
  • Biology Meritorious | Application Deadline January 31
  • W. Young Award | Application Deadline November 30
  • Fellowship in Association of Professional Biology (FAPB) | Application Deadline February 28
  • The Ian McTaggart-Cowan Award for Excellence in Biology | Application Deadline December 31

Read more on the Awards & Recognition page.

APB Mentorship Program

This program helps up-and-coming biologists to prepare for future employment and career opportunities while completing their education. Click below to find out how you can become a mentor or a protége.

Learn More


You can easily renew by clicking the Renew Now button below. This will take you straight to a page where you can enter your payment details and access your invoice (shown below).

If you have decided not to renew, please click the Cancel Renewal button under your membership profile.



If you have missed the renewal deadline for this year or your membership has expired, you can purchase a membership at any time by selecting the Purchase Now button below.
*Annual Memberships run from January to December. Renewal notices will be available in October.


Your continued support will strengthen our ability to advocate for and represent professional biologists in BC and provide resources for those practising in British Columbia and beyond.

Do you need an accredited Professional Biologist? Search our database to look for one in your area.




Are you an Accredited Member? Help the public to find your services.




Job Board

On the APB's job board you can post information about positions you need to fill, or you see what jobs are available.